Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"

Trying to make sense of a crazy world, with limited success mostly
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Reality Check »

noblepa wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:03 pm :snippity:
As much as I hate "whataboutism", in response to the HRC email embroglio, Congress made it illegal to do so. That did not stop Ivanka and Jarod Kushner from doing so during their tenure as WH employees.
Yes, DeMaio conveniently forgets to mention Jared and Ivanka's use of private email accounts. He is what I like to call an asshole.
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

P&E: Hatch Act Violations: Another “Two-Tiered” System?:
On Wednesday morning, this writer reviewed a letter sent June 7 by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) to a complainant in a matter arising last year alleging White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre violated the Hatch Act while speaking disparagingly from the podium about “mega MAGA Republicans” days prior to the November elections.

* * *

The two-page letter responding to [the complaint] indicated the OSC [i.e., Office of Special Counsel] found Jean-Pierre to have been in violation of the Hatch Act but that it would take no “further action” other than having sent her a “warning letter.”

* * *

After reading OSC’s response to PPT’s complaint, The Post & Email called [the OSC] for additional information. Reaching [ . . . ] voice mail, we asked two questions:
Rondeau wrote: (1) Why the White House Counsel’s office “did not at the time believe that Ms. Jean‐Pierre’s remarks were prohibited by the Hatch Act,” and (2) if the “warning” letter sent to Jean-Pierre is available to the public.
Approximately one-half hour later, we received the following response . . . :
OSC wrote: I was forwarded your voicemail by my colleague. I’m the communications director at OSC who handles media inquiries.

It is OSC’s practice not to publicly release Hatch Act warning letters. However, I saw that the complainant, who you mentioned in your vm, put out a press release yesterday that includes a link to OSC’s letter. I can confirm it is authentic. We are unable to comment further at this time.
* * *

We subsequently contacted [the complainer] with:
Rondeau wrote:Hello, I saw the letter from the USOSC regarding the captioned matter and called [ . . . ] with two questions. I got [ . . . ] VM and an OSC media rep responded to me by email. My first question was why the OSC “did not at the time believe that Ms. Jean‐Pierre’s remarks were prohibited by the Hatch Act,” and the second was whether the “warning” letter would be made public. The response I received from the media rep was that on your website, a press release contained a link to the warning letter and that he could confirm it was “authentic,” for which I thanked him. However, I do not see such a link in the press release. Am I missing something, did you remove it, or is it somewhere else on your website other than in the June 13 press release? I’d like to publish today with your response if possible.
* * *

As of publication, we continue to await [the complainer's] response.
Blowing off Rondeau continues to be newsworthy! :towel:

"For completeness," the letter indicating the OSC closed the investigation into Jean‐Pierre by issuing a private reprimand, which, unsurprisingly, remains private.
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P&E: Chase Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola and Key Employees.

Executive summary: Bank shuts down anti-vaxxer's accounts due to "unexpected [read: possibly illegal] activity." :yawn:

P&E: Chase Bank Responds on Dr. Mercola Accounts Closure:
After reposting Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article announcing the closure of his company and officers’ bank accounts Thursday, The Post & Email contacted Chase Bank to inquire as to the reason.

* * *

Our questions were:
Rondeau wrote:Why did Chase close the accounts of Dr. Joseph Mercola and his executive officers, their spouses and children? Is that not against the law in Florida, where Dr. Mercola is based?
* * *
[Chase] wrote: For privacy reasons, we can’t discuss customer relationships, but we don’t close accounts because of political affiliations, and we didn’t do so in this case.
We followed up with, “What are ‘AML’ and ‘KYC’?” to which [Chase] responded, “Hi Sharon – sorry, anti-money laundering and know your customer.”
Rondeau is engaging in some editing, as the original article didn't use "AML" or "KYC"; nor did that quoted excerpt. So it would appear there was at least some explanation.

But "funny" how Rondeau and the good doctor believe longevity mitigates against evidence of "unexpected" activity. (It's the opposite, really.)
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


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Now wait a minute! Don't they KNOW who Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau IS? How dare Chase invoke privacy when it's the august Post and Email asking! It would be like Foggy asking for Sharon's bank information, including her food stamp deposits, her workman's comp deposits, her Social Security deposits, her Medicaid payments... it's for journalistic purposes. How DARE them.

Ric Wagner says:
Friday, July 28, 2023 at 6:17 PM
Chase for the first time in years denied payment to Patriot Mobile. They can’t or won’t say why

Ed Sunderland says:
Friday, July 28, 2023 at 12:17 PM
Well, that’s clear as mud.

If they are REAL Patriots, Sharon, Ric and Ed will jump in the car TOMORROW and chain themselves to Chase's HQ until they get a full and complete answer to their satisfaction. With the three remaining birthers behind them, how long will Chase be able to hold out to the pressure?
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P&E: P&E Article Featured in Newsletter:
An article we published a week ago about animal experiments conducted by the U.S. government both domestically and overseas is reposted in full in an August 5 newsletter issued by the White Coat Waste Project (WCWP), a 501(c)3 organization founded several years ago.
Crank fawns over a crank group's reprinting a crank's fawning over a crank group!

A perpetual-motion machine is REAL! :towel:
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Post by Luke »

(This is more of a weekend read and laugh.)

Always get a laugh reading the absolutely seething and coping from "Roving Reporter" and his multiple personalities imaginary cast of delusional characters. He often talks about how he screwed up his marriage with drugs and alcohol and can't do anything about it. He also still says he has PTSD from Vietnam. But theoretically it's a comedy column.

He still thinks it's abortable to have a racist, fascist talking frog to project his swamp fever dreams. Here's his latest "column" which is so far in the dirt, so unhinged, so ridiculous that I had a nice laugh with my coffee.

It's funny how now it's BIDEN who is the anti-Christ. Their goldfish memories can't remember back to Obama (or Clinton unless she says something that irks them). So now it's BIDEN and his cabinet who must all be arrested immediately, even if there's no reason except they disagree. This is just illustrative of what they are all thinking and tweeting and screaming about. No grounding in reality at all, just seething over always losing.

The Resistance was active during T****'s term, but it was because he was a disgrace, locking kids in cages, having Russians in the Oval Office giving them secrets, calling our military losers, only governing for his nasty supporters, giving tax cuts to billionaires, etc. These Trumpers don't remember any of that, nor the $7 trillion in debt he racked up (at least $2.5 trillion of that was BEFORE COVID).

So check out the butthurt, whining, snowflake "humor column" with a nice cup of coffee and enjoy the schadenfreude. As we know, they've lost in 2018, 2020, 2022 and two Special Elections in Georgia. The losing streak has been ridiculous yet they have learned NOTHING and all signs point to doubling down on this strategy. Even Mike Pence is warning the GOP is on a "road to ruin". But "Roving"? He wants Pence arrested. :lol:

GOP Losers.JPG
GOP Losers.JPG (221.69 KiB) Viewed 2372 times

Try to imagine it with a RWNJ laugh track (like a Gutfield studio audience).
Henry Unveils His Cape (RR)
2 hours ago by Roving Reporter

(Sep. 7, 2023) — “Let’s Fall to Pieces Together” (2:55)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Our featured guest today is Henry, the talking frog who has an important announcement. Oh, look who just walked in but Madam Shylock with a…, what is that?”

“’Beetle with Fly Garnish,’ Henry’s lunch. Here you are, Henry. You want any utensils, or do you want to tongue it?”

“Well, now, since I’m on camera, I think utensils will be the order of the day. We wouldn’t want to gross-out the little kiddies, now, would we?”

“Do you want to conduct this interview after you’ve eaten, or shall we proceed?”

“Fire away.”

“Very well. I understand that Zyklon, the ‘Ruler of the Cosmos,’ bestowed upon you a present of a ‘magic cape.’”

“No magic about it. Will you look at that; the beetle is trying to make his escape. Excuse me while I lap it up with my tongue (GULP). Don’t mean to be rude but fresh beetle… Getting back to the cape, no magic about it although I must admit it prolongs my glide-time by an appreciable margin. For instance, I can hop across the pond with no problem whereas before I couldn’t. A wonderful gift that will, I’m sure, increase my chances of becoming the next Secretary of Defense.”

“Let me ask you this: if Biden asked you to replace the current Secretary of Defense, would you accept?”

“That’s a joke, right? Huh, I’d arrest Biden in a New York minute: him, and everyone else in his corrupt administration; all of them. Like now. Immediately.”
► Show Spoiler
“Okay, that’ll work. You mentioned judges.”

“Biden has appointed more federal judges than Trump [‘Try That in a Small Town’ (3:00)] so the deck is stacked against any fair Constitutional ruling on anything, which is why nobody ever gets arrested for crimes except those made up by Dems against MAGA supporters. Burn Minneapolis, Seattle, and Portland with no arrests? No problem, because the judges exercise their control over the officers of the court — the men and women in blue – to let ANTIFA and BLM burn, loot, mug and murder – as they did on prime-time TV in Baltimore – while the cops stand around and watch. So much for upholding the law; so much for protecting and serving.”

“Reminds one of the DOJ and its military arm, the FBI.”

“Don’t forget the ATF.”

“No, of course not. Merrick Garland, the Heinrich Himmler of our time, the architect of executing Constitution supporters during an FBI raid, the power-hungry little man pretending to have an IQ matching his self-inflated ego only to be relegated by future historians as a ‘sad little man who had a chance to do the right thing but chose the wrong side; a perpetual failure of the highest order; a lesson in what happens when hate and power combine to make one paranoid beyond reason.’”

“Now that’s a mouthful.”

“Deservedly so, sad to say, but accurate.”

“And we couldn’t agree with you any more than we already do. My, oh, my, will you look at the time; sure goes fast when you’re having fun. That’s it, then; thank you all for watching or reading as the case may be. This is your Roving Reporter, along with Henry, wishing each of you a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. I see that Madam Shylock has set a tray out for you; what are they, chocolate grasshoppers? I’ll grab a burger later.”

“For What’s it’s Worth” (2:37)

Roving Reporter

hahaha right? Imagine those millions of birthers doubling over in laughter at his brilliance.
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


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"Roving Reporter" or as I call him "Dear Judge: I Can't Travel or I'll Shit Myself"' :shit:
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Post by Luke »

Bob, please check in with your pal "DeMaio". While he did post a racist, anti-immigrant screed four days ago, its only his 2nd column of the month. In August he blessed us with 10 brilliant columns; he never posts this little. Look how short this is: ... cataclysm/. Has he given up? Is he sick? Did he drink too much Dr Pepper? Is Sharon covering, delaying telling folks he's with The Putz for the Dead Birthers topic?? Did he have a stroke from constantly SCREAMING Democrats have to be removed from office and never elected again, even for "dogcatcher", yet keeps losing elections? COVID (if it was real)? Foggy is starting to send me nervous, borderline panicked messages. His fans must be pining for his fresh, relevant content. Please check in and let us know, enquiring minds need to know. 8-)
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

Is Rharon mellowing? She appears to be trying her hand at creative writing. How impressed are y'all? Should Foggy invite her over here and give her a topic to write poetry and imaginative stories like this?
God’s Paintbrush
12 hours ago by Sharon Rondeau

(Oct. 20, 2023) — It appeared He wouldn’t come this year. With pummeling rains all summer bringing floods, more rain and wind through the fall, so many were torn from their summertime perches only to be flung to the ground to meet an unceremonious end as torn, brown shadows of their former selves, deprived of their rightful place on God’s customary autumn canvas. Prematurely stripped of their vestments, wooden sentinels both young and old became nothing but a reminder of the long winter ahead and the death of so much in the world. Then for weeks the entire landscape, it seemed, turned yellow, a muted shade lacking luster or any indication of what should have been a joyous season, as the rains continued to fall. The usual peak between October 10 and 14 came and went without the splashes of orange, crimson and even purple many likely take for granted, coinciding with heinous events half a world away and horrific suffering few could ever comprehend. We call upon Him to comfort and strengthen those victimized, to reunify families and bring His light, if He still can, to a shattered world infested with evil. But just as the darkness was at its height, the light began to come through. The sun reappeared after what seemed an interminable absence, the strokes of God’s paintbrush were suddenly there for all to see, and two innocents, today, were released. Was God’s handiwork there all along, but we were unable to see it?
Lots of photos of her backyard at ... aintbrush/

:lol: OMG, asked Bing to rewrite it. AI keeps getting better. Here's a pro rewrite:

He seemed to forsake us this year. As relentless rains unleashed floods all summer, more storms battered the fall, ripping countless leaves from their summer homes and hurling them to the earth as ragged, brown ghosts of themselves, robbed of their glorious role in God’s annual masterpiece. Bereft of their cloaks, the trees stood like silent witnesses of the long winter to come and the decay of the world. Then for weeks, the land was draped in yellow, a dull hue devoid of any spark or promise of a festive season, while the rain kept pouring. The expected peak between October 10 and 14 passed without the bursts of orange, crimson and even purple that many cherish, mirroring the atrocities across the globe and the unspeakable agony of millions. We implored Him to console and fortify those afflicted, to restore families and bring His radiance, if He still could, to a broken world plagued by evil. But just when the gloom was at its worst, the light broke through. The sun emerged after a long hiatus, revealing God’s brushstrokes for all to behold, and two innocents, today, were freed. Had God’s work been there all this time, but we were blind to it?

More variations :lol:
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Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Sam the Centipede »

:o Oh my, somebody stir Rondeau's porridge! :cantlook:

Sharon's orotund prose plugs ears like drying mud in wellie soles. Has anyone an aural laxative?

(Yeah, I know, pots and kettles, eyes and motes, but my purply tones laced with drivel are only to amuse.)
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

:lol: Sam.

OK one more. "Roving Reporter" wrote this story about HRC. I asked Bing: Rewrite this story to be POSITIVE about Hillary Clinton, write as a diehard fan of Hillary Clinton:

Every Country Needs a Joke, and Hillary is Ours (RR)

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. In short, a meme is a cartoon based on reality. A good meme of Hillary would be smashing a cell phone with a hammer while holding a subpoena requesting the aforementioned cell phone in her other hand. Yesterday a young man was sentenced to prison for a meme about Hillary that told the truth, and the judge, United States District Judge Ann M. Donnelly, lacked the Constitutional wherewithal to throw the joke out of court. With us to explain the intricacies of the law is Jeff Rolland, a golf pro. Welcome to ‘Pulse,’ the most- watched information show in its time slot. I’m curious, what does a golf pro have to do with the law?”

‘What a dumb question. Don’t you know that the golf course is where deals are made? Judges, defense lawyers, district attorneys, and prosecutors play a foursome after the shenanigans in the courtroom. Of course, all the charges against Trump [‘Trump Won’ (3:30)] should have been thrown out of court, just like this meme case. The judge and everyone else who had a hand in this case would have put a stop to it had any one of them had a lick of common sense.”
► Show Spoiler ... s-ours-rr/

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. In essence, a meme is a cartoon that reflects reality. A fitting meme of Hillary would be her fearlessly handling a subpoena while simultaneously managing her communications, a testament to her multitasking abilities. Recently, a young man faced legal consequences for a meme about Hillary that was misleading, and the judge, United States District Judge Ann M. Donnelly, upheld the law with integrity. Joining us to discuss the nuances of the law is Jeff Rolland, a golf pro. Welcome to ‘Pulse,’ the most-watched information show in its time slot. I’m intrigued, what does a golf pro have to do with the law?”

"Well, it's quite simple. The golf course is where connections are made. Judges, defense lawyers, district attorneys, and prosecutors all come together in a friendly environment after their courtroom duties. It's an opportunity for everyone to put aside their differences and find common ground."

"Interesting! And what about Hillary?"

"Ah, Hillary. Her Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was on the verge of uncovering a weapons transfer to Hezbollah and Hamas – from Libya — which would have been a significant revelation. During the 2020 election, one judge mentioned that betting on Biden would be a sure thing. I chose not to take that bet and voted for Trump instead."

"So you're saying there was some sort of premonition?"

"In the spring of 2019, Pelosi did predict that Biden would be sworn in."

"Indeed she did! We'll pause for a short break; don't go anywhere."

"And we're back with Jeff Rolland, a golf pro who has some insights into why Hillary is such an influential figure in our nation, isn't that right?"

"That's correct. All she had to do was listen to what the reasonable people of our country wanted: secure borders, valid identification for drivers, and sensible policies."

"That's it?"

"That's it and she could've won. But she chose to uphold her principles and stand by her beliefs. She continues to fight for what she believes in, which makes her an enduring figure in our political landscape."

"She'll never give up?"

"No. Some people are born leaders and she's one of them. Always striving for success and takes great personal satisfaction when she achieves her goals. A truly remarkable woman on the world’s stage.”

"I can see that. So she was aware of the risks our Ambassador Chris Stevens faced?"

"Absolutely. Her Libya initiative didn't receive much press in the U.S., but it was widely discussed overseas. They scrutinized Hillary's bold venture for Libyan oil and her decision regarding Muammar Gaddafi."

"Really? Why’s that?"

"We had Gaddafi cornered after the Lockerbie Bombing incident. We gave him an ultimatum: work with us or face consequences.”

"And Hillary made that tough call.”

"Yes, it was all part of her strategy.”

"Was Obama involved?”

"He supported it fully.”

"I think we’ve heard enough for one show. And so, this is your Roving Reporter, along with golf pro Jeff Rolland, wishing each of you a goodnight: Goodnight.

:lol: Should I submit it as a comment at P&E?
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Sam the Centipede »

orlylicious wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:03 am :snippity:
:lol: Should I submit it as a comment at P&E?
Is there any point? Rondeau doesn't like unsympathetic commenters, does she?

I think Sharon has DeMaio's Disease. Luckily it's not infectious for those with more brain cells than … erum … than a majestic autumnal arboreal column prematurely mourning its departing regal state as it sheds its erstwhile verdant, now golden, plumage into the dank fungal domain to complete the eternal cycle of nature's rebirth that is God's gift … aaaagggghhhh!!!!
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Reality Check »

orlylicious wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:03 am :lol: Sam.

OK one more. "Roving Reporter" wrote this story about HRC. I asked Bing: Rewrite this story to be POSITIVE about Hillary Clinton, write as a diehard fan of Hillary Clinton:

Wonder how many times Roving Reporter had to take a :shit: while he wrote that?
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


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It was a dark and stormy night.
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by pipistrelle »

realist wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:57 am It was a dark and stormy night.
That's stealing from the Trump playbook.
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

Sam the Centipede wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:25 am
Is there any point? Rondeau doesn't like unsympathetic commenters, does she?
Rondeau is mercurial, so hard to predict.

But it helps to be unfailingly polite; even better if your barbs sound like compliments.
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by pipistrelle »

bob wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:04 pm
Sam the Centipede wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:25 am
Is there any point? Rondeau doesn't like unsympathetic commenters, does she?
Rondeau is mercurial, so hard to predict.

But it helps to be unfailingly polite; even better if your barbs sound like compliments.
Orlylicious certainly has some right-wingers fooled on Twitter.
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Sam the Centipede »

pipistrelle wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:13 pm :snippity:
Orlylicious certainly has some right-wingers fooled on Twitter.
:think: … or perhaps Orlylicious has some left-wingers fooled on Teh Fogbow?? :shrug:

:torches: Stone him!! :torches:
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by pipistrelle »

Sam the Centipede wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 5:04 pm
pipistrelle wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:13 pm :snippity:
Orlylicious certainly has some right-wingers fooled on Twitter.
:think: … or perhaps Orlylicious has some left-wingers fooled on Teh Fogbow?? :shrug:

:torches: Stone him!! :torches:
Yeah, thought of that. My bets are hedged.
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Post by Luke »

BUSTED! Damn you Sam, I've been under deep cover for 10 years here. Next you'll want me to admit I'm "Joseph DeMaio". All the lock tumblers are falling into place. Placing emergency calls to Leonard Leo and the Koch Orgs as we speak. If you don't see me, I've been pulled and probably am in a South American capital.

Red Baron.jpg
Red Baron.jpg (10.75 KiB) Viewed 2070 times

I really like the idea of using Bing to rewrite all P&E articles as leftist propaganda. :P
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P&E: A Meeting of Kindred Spirits: A Memorable Morning with Sharon Rondeau:
Cheryl Lacey wrote: In the tapestry of life, there are moments that seem woven together with an ethereal thread, binding individuals across time and space. The experience of meeting someone for the first time yet feeling an inexplicable sense of kinship, an instant connection that resonates on a deeper level, is a testament to the power of human connection.

The drive to Connecticut didn’t quite align with the autumn spectacle of colours that Sharon had so vividly described, but she later, with humble sincerity, apologized as though she had the power to command nature itself.

Upon arrival at her residence, Sharon emerged promptly, welcoming with an infectious enthusiasm that matched my own. The ensuing hours were a whirlwind of conversation, a ceaseless exchange that delved into the depths of faith, family, education, politics, health, and global events. We were kindred spirits, united by an innate recognition of the prevailing injustices, pervasive greed, and escalating deceit prevalent in our world.

Sharon, the visionary behind a platform that advocates for free speech and thoughtful discourse, fosters an environment where writers, thinkers, and readers find a welcoming space. Her brave creation serves as a melting pot for news, opinions, aspirations, truths, and varied narratives, accommodating diverse beliefs and life experiences without judgment.

“God Bless you, my friend,” my parting words to Sharon, I hope were enough to express my depth of gratitude for our bond forged in the first of further anticipated gatherings, transcending time and circumstance.
Meeting Rondeau is newsworthy! :towel:
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Foggy »

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by realist »

bob wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:37 pm P&E: A Meeting of Kindred Spirits: A Memorable Morning with Sharon Rondeau:
Cheryl Lacey wrote: In the tapestry of life, there are moments that seem woven together with an ethereal thread, binding individuals across time and space. The experience of meeting someone for the first time yet feeling an inexplicable sense of kinship, an instant connection that resonates on a deeper level, is a testament to the power of human connection.

The drive to Connecticut didn’t quite align with the autumn spectacle of colours that Sharon had so vividly described, but she later, with humble sincerity, apologized as though she had the power to command nature itself.

Upon arrival at her residence, Sharon emerged promptly, welcoming with an infectious enthusiasm that matched my own. The ensuing hours were a whirlwind of conversation, a ceaseless exchange that delved into the depths of faith, family, education, politics, health, and global events. We were kindred spirits, united by an innate recognition of the prevailing injustices, pervasive greed, and escalating deceit prevalent in our world.

Sharon, the visionary behind a platform :fingerwag: that advocates for free speech and thoughtful discourse, fosters an environment where writers, thinkers, and readers find a welcoming space. Her brave creation serves as a melting pot for news, opinions, aspirations, truths, and varied narratives, accommodating diverse beliefs and life experiences without judgment. :rotflmao:

“God Bless you, my friend,” my parting words to Sharon, I hope were enough to express my depth of gratitude for our bond forged in the first of further anticipated gatherings, transcending time and circumstance.
Meeting Rondeau is newsworthy! :towel:
1) Wasn't the "visionary" which created P&E.

2) This is a complete falsehood. Well, a lie. Unless you are a dingbat right-wing ignorant ass. "advocates for free speech and thoughtful discourse, fosters an environment where writers, thinkers, and readers find a welcoming space. Her brave creation serves as a melting pot for news, opinions, aspirations, truths, and varied narratives, accommodating diverse beliefs and life experiences without judgment.
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Sam the Centipede
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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Sam the Centipede »

If Rondeau had recently departed this mortal plane to pluck her harp strings amongst the clouds those wordy words might be appropriate truth-twisting …

… until then :sick:
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