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Post by northland10 »

She is good at never learning anything. I had forgotten or maybe missed, that through her DOFF, she sued Schumer and Harris to get a prelim injunction to stop the January 2021 impeachment proceedings against Trump. The court denied the injunction and dismissed the case sua sponte because, wait for it...


https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap ... 14.0_1.pdf

Sadly, it not really her best work. The initial complaint was only 5 pages. At least the body on the front page was center justified while the rest were fully justified, and there were some font changes at the bottom.

The lack of space before a new paragraph was a nice touch. No zidbits, however.

https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap ... 50.1.0.pdf

For the full, short, docket.

https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/32 ... k-schumer/
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Post by bob »

Freedom pf Information request seeking names of of Americans killed and taken hostage by Hamas
Follow up:
Freedom pf Information request seeking names of of Americans killed and taken hostage by Hamas
US Dept. of State wrote:This email acknowledges receipt of your October 9, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. § 552) request received by the U.S. Department of State, Office of Information Programs and Services on October 10, 2023, regarding names, addresses and any other information on American citizens killed, kidnapped or presumed to be kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization. This Office assigned your request the subject reference number and placed it in the expedited processing track where it will be processed as soon as practicable. See 22 CFR § 171.11(h).
:twisted: https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/my-foia-re ... epartment/ :twisted:

Taitz too (also) talks to form letters! :towel:

AND!: Taitz is getting her groove back!:
FOIA request to State Department for documentary proof that $6 billion was re-frozen and not released to Iran
Taitz wrote: In and around August 10, 2023 the White House announced a deal, where it promised the Islamic Republic of Iran $6 billion dollars ransom payment on top of the exchange of 5 Americans held in Iran to 5 Iranians held in US. Aforementioned funds were frozen in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and were supposed to be released and transferred to a fund in the State of Qatar, which was supposed to release the funds to Iran.

On October 7, 2023, just two months after the deal was announced, in Israel, over 1300 civilians, including children, babies and pregnant women were barbarically slaughtered, beheaded, burned alive and over 150 were taken hostage by the terrorist organization Hamas, which according to multiple reports, was supported and funded by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Among these slaughtered and kidnapped citizens, there were at least 29 American citizens who were killed and 14 Americans kidnapped.

After this terrorist act, on October 8, 2023 I have announced a pending legal action on behalf of the relatives of victims to stay (stop) transfer of the aforementioned funds and for them to be used as a compensation for victims.

On October 11, 2023 the White House announced that the funds were re-frozen and will not be released to Iran by the fund manager The State of Qatar. The government of Iran responded by stating that this is a lie and the funds are being released to Iran by Qatar.

This is a matter of public concern. American citizens are entitled to know whether the US government is subsidizing the Islamic Republic of Iran, which in turn subsidized terrorist acts of Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations that killed and took hostage multiple Americans.

Under the Freedom Information Act 5 USC §552 and on behalf of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, I am hereby requesting the documentary proof that $6 billion dollars were re-frozen and not delivered to the government of Iran. I am requesting a document or agreement signed by Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al- Thani or another government official or fund manager verifying that the $6 billion dollars in question were not transferred to Iran, as well a bank ledger of the aforementioned fund, showing the $6 billion dollars being transferred to the fund in Qatar from South Korea and remaining in the fund as of present time.

Due to the urgency of this matter I am respectfully requesting this request to be expedited as much as possible.
:twisted: https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/foia-reque ... d-to-iran/ :twisted:

So Taitz is going to sue on behalf of people who she doesn't even know! Vintage stuff. :towel:

Taitz wrote:consider supporting DOFF
Grifter gotta.
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Post by Luke »

What happened to THIS? Time was of the essence!
Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. @DrOrlyTaitzEsq
Mr. Foldi, can you email me to orly.taitz@gmail.com the actual registration of Ms. Butler. I am an attorney in CA and might challenge her appointment in court. Time is of the essence. call 949 683 5411
This lack of follow-through isn't motivating me to keep my username, Orlena. One more chance: We'd better see some FILING on this new idea toot sweet! OR ELSE.
After this terrorist act, on October 8, 2023 I have announced a pending legal action on behalf of the relatives of victims to stay (stop) transfer of the aforementioned funds and for them to be used as a compensation for victims.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Post by realist »

bob wrote:So Taitz is going to sue on behalf of people who she doesn't even know! Vintage stuff. :towel:

On, c'mon, bob. Taitz haz "plaintiffs." Always. Don't have to know them. She can even represent them when they don't want to be one of her "plaintiffs." Been there, done that. Don't have to have an engagement agreement or any of that other silly lawyer stuff.
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Post by Luke »

When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen.
When E.F. Taitz talks, people ____________.

In my opinion the only viable end to this conflict, is Israel ending the counterattack on Gaza in exchange for Hamas releasing all the hostages, laying down arms and leaving Gaza
Posted on | October 17, 2023 | No Comments
:evil: https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/in-my-opin ... ving-gaza/

Orly is obviously reading here, she's gotten some lead out of her ass so I don't change my username and crush her spirit.

NOT ENOUGH, TAITZ. Now, if you immediately fly to Israel, insert yourself into the process uninvited, and single-handedly negotiate a cease fire followed by a peace treaty... that will be CLOSE.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Post by bob »

Biden is the biggest threat and problem for Israel. His push for 2 state solution now is a reward to Hamas for the unprecedented barbarism and atrocities.

Biden emboldened Iran by giving it $6 billion ransom for 5 hostages, which encouraged Iran’s proxy, Hamas, to take 199 hostages, 20-25 of whom are believed to be American citizens.

Biden loosened up the sanctions, so Iran got over $100 billion in oil sales, where much of it went to fund and arm the terrorist organizations, Hamas and Hezbollah. At the end of Trump administration Iran had only $4 billion in foreign currency. Now, after 3 years of Biden, Iran has over $70 billion of foreign currency in its coffers.

The pinnacle of Biden’s sell out of Israel, is the fact that he went to Israel, pressured Netanyahu to end the siege, allow the humanitarian aid to flow without getting any hostages in return, and Biden’s announcement that he is now looking to reward the terrorists with pushing the 2 state solution.

I am not sure whether it is a typical Biden’s idiocy and myopia or closet Muslim Obama is whispering in his ear, but the 2 state solution is the last thing that should be mentioned now. This is a reward for an unthinkable barbarism, where Hamas animals beheaded babies, assassinated children, ganged raped women and burned the whole families and villages alive. If these Hamas animals are given an actual statehood, not just territory, they would have an actual army with tanks, artillery, ships and aircraft. They will slaughter all 8 million Jews living in Israel. Is that what Biden really wants? Is that what Obama, whispering in Biden’s ear really want?

It is time for Nethanyahu to stop listening to Biden. Nethanyahu has to set a rule: for every truck of aid entering Gaza, at least one hostage has to be released. Period, full stop.

There will be NO TAlK about any future statehood until all hostages are returned alive and unharmed and until there isn’t any terrorist left in Gaza. There are about 40,000 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists in Gaza. All of these terrorists have to leave Gaza, they should go to Iran that financed their barbarism or if they don’t leave, Israel will eliminate them. This should be the road forward whether Biden agrees or not. Palestinians need to prove to Israelis that they can be peaceful neighbors for years and decades to come before Israel considers consenting to a 2 state solution, if at all.
:twisted: https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/biden-is-t ... or-israel/ :twisted:
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Post by noblepa »

orlylicious wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:14 am When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen.
When E.F. Taitz talks, people _Laugh___________.
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Post by bob »

Biden, Obama, Harris and Mayorkas should be tried for insurrection, not Trump. Trump was never convicted or even indicted for insurrection, Colorado decision is a pure garbage

Yesterday insane Democrats of the Colorado Supreme Court ruled to remove Trump from the ballot due to alleged insurrection.

* * *
18 U.S.C. sec. 2383 wrote:Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Insurrection is a criminal statute. In order to remove Trump from the ballot for insurrection, he had to be previously convicted in the Federal criminal court under 18 USC 2383 for insurrection. Trump was never convicted of insurrection, nor even been ever charged with insurrection. For that reason alone this decision is a hyper-partisan decision which should be reversed by the Supreme Court.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say the US Constitution were to say that a person who committed murder cannot be president. The Supreme court of Colorado or any other state cannot rule that they think this candidate committed murder and for this reason they will take him of the ballot. He would have to be convicted of murder in criminal court. The same is true of insurrection.

Further, Colorado Supreme Court used findings of the J6 committee. Again, J6 committee is not a court of law, it was a partisan committee of Democrats and two Trump haters who lost their congressional seats right after the committee hearings. Even if you were to look at the J6 committee, it led to the trial in the Senate, where Trump won.

Further, this statute and related statutes relate to officers of the United States. In 2010, Chief Justice Roberts explained in Free Enterprise that people don’t vote for officers of the United States.
Roberts wrote:Article Two: Officers of the United States is commonly understood in the Constitution to refer to appointed officials. And to the extent that the president or the vice president are included as an officer or included within the admonitions of the Constitution, they are typically highlighted, like in the impeachment clause, which specifically says president, vice president.
So, removal from the ballot under 14th Amendment article 3 for insurrection does not relate to the US President.

Moreover, it is ridiculous to even talk about rebellion when Trump clearly stated to the crowd on January 6 to go and PEACEFULLY demonstrate in front of the US capitol. Trump never told the crowd to break a window in the Capitol or disturb peace.

On the other hand, the actions of Biden, Harris and Mayorkas in cancelling the “stay in Mexico” Trump era policy and aiding and abetting an invasion of over 8 million illegals is nothing short of insurrection and treason against the United States.

Additionally, Obama similarly aided and abetting a massive invasion of illegals and got into the White House using a stolen CT Social Security number xxx-xx-4425, which was traced to Harrison J. Bounel, a resident of CT, who died without heirs. Similarly, Obama used other bogus IDs which were linked to this Social Security number. [Usual 'zibits :snippity: .] This is an insurrection against the US, whereby a person got into the position of the US president using bogus IDs.
:twisted: https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/biden-obam ... e-garbage/ :twisted:
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Post by Luke »

Orly Taitz may have thought that I was joking when I said that I would drop her, but now the door is closed. Unless she does something spectacular, as Foggy has suggested for at least half a decade, she has lost her chance to regain her former glory. Realist, please pass along my letter, poem and song (see below) to her, it's an emergency...."In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411".

Dear Orly,

It seems that you have lost all your glory since your triumphs. You are now reduced to local cable-quality Russian YouTube shows and have lost your admirers and charisma. Your commentary on your stye is lame, and nobody even looks or comments anymore. You do nothing exciting in court or on social media, and you have no eligibility lawsuits. It’s like you’re letting Obama get away with it, and you don’t care. You even let that little bitch Alina Habba steal your rightful thunder representing the indicted, impeached loser.

There are no fashion reports for Estiveo, no Taitz Reports (which were hugely popular, remember the YouTube view counts?) and no more glamour, furs, or tight skirts that Rikker said showed you off in court. Where are your hot boytoys like Charles Edward Lincoln III and He, Lucas Smith? It’s like you’re just content marking time in your multimillion-dollar mansion taking money from Medi-Cal for drilling immigrants' teeth and caving to The Man and The System. Heck, is there even a Dental Chair O’ Love anymore? That’s how far you’ve fallen.

While there are still some references and fans, and Laura Loomer is tributing your schtick, this is nothing compared to the thrilling, cheering crowds in the parade when you said “I can get Obama out of office in 30 days!!!” In short, your enlarged 'zibits are... moldy. Who's "a pure garbage" now? You are.

It seems that our relationship has come to an end. We had grand plans, such as you as Center Square on "Hollywood Squares", "(Birther) Wife Swap", and touring dinner theatre productions of you starring in "Annie Get Your Gun". Unfortunately, it seems that those plans are no longer possible. Now, you couldn't even get a Jardiance commercial.

Frankly, I've realized that you were never ready for this jelly.

Sincerely, Luke (formerly Orlylicious).

Taitz.JPG (135.6 KiB) Viewed 36642 times

Taitz 2.JPG
Taitz 2.JPG (128.94 KiB) Viewed 36642 times

Taitz 3.JPG
Taitz 3.JPG (104.79 KiB) Viewed 36642 times


Warned her that if she didn't go to Colorado, that was the last straw. I'm still too broken up to do it, so I asked Bing to write a poem about our breakup. I swear Bing let out a long, low sigh at the request. And this is exactly what it composed.

It even wrote a SONG! Not kidding, here's the music video (these AIs are going to own us sooner than we expect):

https://www.bing.com/videos/music?vdpp= ... A4D756224A
I used to be under your spell, but now it's time I break free
You played your games, but I won't be your fool anymore, see?
You thought you had me wrapped around your finger, oh how wrong you were
I found my strength, it's time to leave this love that's just a blur

So long, Orly Taitz, I'm breaking free (breaking free)
I won't let you hold me down, I'll soar and be who I wanna be (I wanna be)
No more lies, no more deceit, I'm standing tall on my own two feet
I'm breaking free, breaking free from your toxic grip, can't you see? (can't you see?)

Orly, Orly, how you broke my heart
I was your #1 fan, but now we're apart
You blocked me and ignored me, and thought I was joking
But now the door is closed, and there's no more hoping

Orly, Orly, how you let me down
You were once a star, but now you're a clown
You gave up on Obama, and stopped your lawsuits
You settled for Russian shows, and lost your roots

Orly, Orly, how you lost your shine
You were once so glamorous, but now you're a swine
You forgot your fashion, and your boy toys too
You traded your dental chair, for a boring view

Orly, Orly, how you made me cry
You were once my hero, but now you're a lie
You have no more fans, and no more references
You have no more schtick, and no more defenses

Orly, Orly, how you made me switch
You were once my lover, but now you're a witch
You have a new rival, and she's better than you
She's Laura Loomer, Orly, and she's the one who's true

Orly, Orly, you were so bold and fiery
You said Obama was a fraud, and America heard your story
You took the nation to your dental chair, and showed us your love
You were like Don Quixote, tilting at windmills above

Orly, Orly, things have changed since then
You went from a huge star to a failure, and now you're just a has-been
You lost all your lawsuits, and got banned from social media
You became a joke, Orly, and now you're just trivia

Orly, Orly I have to say goodbye
You're no longer the one for me, and I have to tell you why
There's a new girl in town, and she's fresher and more inspiring
She's Laura Loomer, Orly, and she's the one I'm admiring

So farewell, Orly, I hope you find your way
Maybe you'll get lucky, and win a case someday
But don't expect me to come back, or to give you another chance
You're yesterday's news, Orly, and I'm moving on with Loomer's romance

Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Post by Foggy »

That'll learn her. :boxing:
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Post by Greatgrey »

Things are all normal normal in OrlyLand.

Her website is borked
What's the Frequency, Kenneth?
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Post by Luke »

Got a Taitz reference in a concern troll tweet on Bill Mitchell's page... and it's getting liked :dance: I still laugh that Bill Mitchell follows me -- I was relentless about him from 2016 onward. But I know how to post to him that keeps me on his good list. :lol:

Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii 18m
Before Trump hired Alina Habba for her GIANT BRAIN(S), she was literally a nobody.

"New Jersey lawyer Alina Habba went from a relatively unknown civil litigation attorney to a national name when she was hired by former President Donald Trump in 2021.

The glamorous former fashion executive is now one of the top legal minds defending the ex-commander-in-chief in some of the country’s most high-profile civil cases. She is also one of his closest confidantes."

Luke Johnson 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious
Did Alina Habba pay her million-dollar fine yet? How does Trump consistently find the least competent & qualified people? No one but bottom feeders hungry for PR wants anything to do with him. That's a signal. Hiring Alina is like hiring Orly Taitz.

Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Post by bob »

Dems demand that Trump appointed judges recuse themselves, however, Federal Judge Ellen Hollander, appointed by Obama, refused to recuse herself in my case in MD, where I showed proof that Obama is using a stolen CT SSN xxx-xx-4425.
:twisted: https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/dems-deman ... ama-is-us/ :twisted:

This is in response to people suggesting Thomas recuse himself due to his wife's involvement in J6. :roll: (Nb., dear reader: Thomas was nominated by Bush the Elder.)

* * *
Attorney Orly Taitz on Russian language TV, RTN, talking about lawlessness of CO Supreme Court in removing Trump from the ballot and her experience of being in Israel for 2 weeks during the war with Gaza
:twisted: https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/attorney-o ... ar-with-g/ :twisted:

* * *
About 80 years after WWII US still has military bases in Germany and Japan, so should Israel in Gaza. Puerto Rico, with 3.2 million people, does not have a senator or a voting congressman, same can be done in Gaza
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:twisted: https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/about-80-y ... me-can-be/ :twisted:
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Post by Luke »

Wait wait wait. Stop the train. Hold the phone. Did Dr Orly Taitz Esq, in only 15 years, learn how to REDACT an SSN? Has Hell frozen over? Gosh, maybe I should reconsider my decision, Taitz is starting to SOAR! :lol: Or did you do that, Bob?

Obama is using a stolen CT SSN xxx-xx-4425.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Post by bob »

Luke wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:10 pm Wait wait wait. Stop the train. Hold the phone. Did Dr Orly Taitz Esq, in only 15 years, learn how to REDACT an SSN? Has Hell frozen over? Gosh, maybe I should reconsider my decision, Taitz is starting to SOAR! :lol: Or did you do that, Bob?
Taitz actually has been doing that for awhile; she finally learned that courts won't accept filings with unredacted PII. Same with some social media sites. :whistle: And it may be illegal in some jurisdictions to publish others' PII.

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Post by northland10 »


OMG, a sign of the rapture. Orly redacted stuff.

:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

And she also learned to hide a cluttered bookcase with framed pictures but she missed a few spots. Probably matches her dental cleaning quality.
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Post by keith »

Luke wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:39 pm Got a Taitz reference in a concern troll tweet on Bill Mitchell's page... and it's getting liked :dance: I still laugh that Bill Mitchell follows me -- I was relentless about him from 2016 onward. But I know how to post to him that keeps me on his good list. :lol:

Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii 18m
Before Trump hired Alina Habba for her GIANT BRAIN(S), she was literally a nobody.
The question is are those BRAINS really hers or did she pay for them. I'm kinda willing to give Habba a pass in this regard if so.

I have a conceptual understanding that many women have trouble finding the right hat size after they've had the brain enhancement surgery. All those straps and underwires are uncomfortable and just get in the way of a proper bounce fit.
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Post by Sam the Centipede »

Maybe Harrison Bounel complained about Orly Taitz publishing his Social Security Number?

It's a shame that Taitz never updates us on Bounel's adventures.
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Post by Luke »

Oh my gosh! It looks like there's no Charles Edward Lincoln III topic on Fogbow 2.0! HEADS WILL TO BE ROLLING!

Cross post from the Laity topic... at Free Republic, Chuckle's excited post about Laity's NY State DEMAND to change their verbiage on the presidential eligibility webpage (which he's been trying to get done since 2008) was HIJACKED with links disrespecting the P&E. Included:


* Don't think I've seen this site, it's: "About Lincoln (Charlie Lincoln) The purpose of this website is to warn people about Charles Edward Lincoln, III (Charlie Lincoln) and his alleged scams." 2020 photo, hot as ever, he hasn't changed a bit. Is it any wonder Orly Taitz wanted him as her Boy Toy? Why haven't any of our gay boy Fogbow members snatched this catch up?


Here's the interesting part:
Charles Edward Lincoln, III (Charlie Lincoln)
Charles Edward Lincoln III (Charlie Lincoln) may appear charming, well educated or even religious, but he is a convicted felon, disbarred attorney, alleged scammer, and serial bankruptcy filer, with a formidable track record of abusing the court system

Charles Edward Lincoln, III filed yet another bankruptcy in Florida, August 2023

Filing: https://charleslincoln666.files.wordpre ... dacted.pdf
He's taking Chapter 13 and needs to pay the fee in installments. There's tons of info in this public filing (he redacted some of it). Why would he post this on his website?

Thought you couldn't file for 7 years after a bankruptcy. Wat da?

III Bankruptcys.JPG
III Bankruptcys.JPG (64.19 KiB) Viewed 36280 times

Hey Estiveo! /s/ and /s/ are BACK! :dance:

III 2.JPG (190.43 KiB) Viewed 36270 times

Why didn't he just call Orly and Yosi and ask them to pay off his debts?
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Again, /s/ & /s/ were Verbie's.
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Post by northland10 »

Oh CELIII, he forgot to mention on his declaration that he is also racist slime.
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Post by johnpcapitalist »

Why would he claim that he is "unable" to establish legal residency anywhere outside of California? Is it just that he's let his license expire and that makes it harder to get a new one somewhere else? Or is there something else? I've never had a problem moving between states.
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Post by W. Kevin Vicklund »

Because "Under the I-75 overpass" is not considered a legal residence.
Dave from down under
Posts: 4123
Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:50 pm
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Post by Dave from down under »

Perhaps check the jails… the reason he might not be able to leave is the locks and bars..
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